Thanks for sharing Ginger, I'm sorry it took so long for you to finally find the right dx. I really would like to have a sleep study done for DD but the cheapest I can find is over $2K and I am not even sure my DD would be able to fall asleep in a strange place knowing she is being studied...she has a hard enough time in her own bed!
I know it must be painful to have everyone think you are just lazy, My DD has been dealing with that for many years "major procrastinator" "no work ethic" "super smart but lazy" "choosing to fail" even "passive aggressive" are what she heard regularly from many of her teachers. I only just recently woke up to realizing something else was at play, unfortunately, even with the formal dx we have, my DH and my ex seem to think I am just making excuses for DD

Good luck Justamom, with waiting lists that long, you would think more docs would realize the need and jump on it.
Have they ruled out the medication as the cause of the generalized seizure? I am sure they know what they are doing and I know nothing about this stuff but I read somewhere that when people go off the stimulants and then back on, they can have really severe reactions like heart attacks etc. I wish I could remember where I saw that.