Originally Posted by Lori H.
Having an iPhone in class was actually against the co-op's rules.

Is there a reason why he can't use an Alphasmart? It is the device that is most commonly used so there is a reason why the teachers online suggested it. They are fairly low cost and they are durable. If part of what he's trying to sort out is for the long term how he will function in a classroom environment I think it would make a lot of sense to look to the tools that are used. I don't find it at all unreasonable that a co-op, school, or classroom of any kind would not allow a student to use an iPhone on a test because access to apps, internet, etc. are not appropriate to have during a test. I would not let a student in my class use an iPhone during a test. It is not a matter of being against people with disabilities or against homeschoolers.

I am hearing some what seems to be very negative and unfair prejudgment of people. It seems everyone in your town will not be understanding, yet, you or your son haven't actually explained the situation or asked for help. Posting a homeschooler on an Internet forum for teachers, asking about an iPhone and then generalizing from that the attitudes about disabilities that all of your son's teacher's doesn't make sense unless your goal is to prevent him from becoming independent.

Originally Posted by Lori H.
It was not worth it for him to risk letting others,like the cute girls in the class, know that he needed to use some kind of accommodation.

You asked what a psychologist could help with and there you go. If your son hopes to be able to go to college and get a job, your son has got to get to a place where he's better prepared to live as a person with disabilities. He needs to be able to self advocate. He needs to be able to cope with feelings of difference. The foundation for that comes RIGHT NOW. It isn't something that can just be put off until later.

Originally Posted by Lori H.
My son will move away the first chance he gets and I will miss him but I know this will be the healthiest thing for him. I want him to be able to move away from here.

How do you see that happening? Do you have any sort of plan for that? As I understand it this co-op class last year was his first class with a teacher and grades since he was in kindergarten. And, you stayed with him to take notes and monitor if he was okay. Your son is 12 or 13 right? What are the steps you see needing to happen in order for him to be prepared to move away from home at 18? What will he need to be successful in college?