Originally Posted by Trina
Originally Posted by Madoosa
Aiden, now 4.5 is big into astronomy (has been since age 2) and anatomy (also since age 2.5). We have a lunar eclipse tonight and said that he can stay up to watch it. he is besides himself with excitement.
We got up early here to watch the eclipse as the moon set. DS (also 4.5) was so excited to watch the moon slowly disappear. Unfortunately it set from our point of view just before the eclipse was total, but it was still great to watch. We've just finished our "warming up" breakfast of porridge and hot chocolates, and DS has gone off to read some more about the eclipse.

Passions - letters and numbers at about 18 months, then space / astronomy at about 2 - 2.5. From about three he got really interested in maps / flags and geography in general. The human body was next and is still a little bit of an interest but at the moment it's weather that's his main interest.

hehe Aiden is fast asleep now but I expect he will wake full of questions about the eclipse. He is just now hitting on world geography and the fact that the map actually curves and touches on the other side is the current source of amazement - he asked tonight as he was falling asleep how many seconds are in a minute and how many minutes in an hour... then mumbld something about the moon going over states side to visit a friend for their eclipse and promptly fell asleep. I look forward to the morning's questions.

he also has a secret thinking spot in his room behind the bed with his stash of papers, odds and ends and things rescued from the trash and recycle bags.

DS2 keeps his secret stash of trash under his pillow!

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)