Originally Posted by Michaela
Hah! I was actually glad I let him do a Thomas one, in the end, because he decided it might kill *him* and made me switch before it was even over wink

I'm not sure that says as much about DS as it does about... Thomas... He did like the "transformers" one, but luckilly there didn't appear to be any more!

I'll have to look up that game. I've recently been thinking about trying to add some rules-based games to the playshelves. He's just starting to understand rules enough to be obnoxious, so I figure it's a teachable moment. It's really hard to look at a rack of games for three year olds, though... <brains dribbling out ears just thinking about it>

Yeah, I am with you on the games - sort of feel bad for DS - neither DH nor I are the let the kid win kind of parents. Although DH is much worse - why not let DS have a turn now LOL. We don't really play many of the games as designed more than a few times, he actually just uses it for imaginary fodder - particularly the candy land story line that was big for almost a year (who knew it had a storyline!!)

Try zingo - really easy game - matching. Also the who am I games, sort of battleship, do you have a red headed kid till there is only 1 suspect left. Also if your kid is active - the cranium games where you jump on spots and do things in response to a spinner or calling out thingy were popular.

But I gave up pretty quickly on them, he wasn't crazy about them and neither was I, it was one of the few worthwhile things he actually learned in pre-k - they played connect 4! And he will probably be playing D&D, magic the gathering and the like soon enough, he already has tons of characters, worlds etc and his cousins and aunts and uncles and parents are all pretty geeky!!
