Thanks again all.

I had a chat to dd about whether or not she though she might be interested in subject acceleration and she said she liked the idea of it and would think about it. I suggested that if it was an option the school would go for then I was sure it could be done on a trial basis and she could test out whether or not she liked it. This seemed to reassure her.

I hadn't really thought about subject acceleration because she is globally HG, but of course it makes perfect sense as an introduction and perhaps down the track, knowing some older kids, teachers etc she might feel more confident about the idea of a full skip. And if not, but she likes the subject acceleration, perhaps we can eventuallu subject accelerate in a couple of areas, which would at least go some way to meeting her needs.

DD said the teacher did some maths testing yesterday, but apparently only on addition and subtraction facts using flash cards, which dd is good at, but doesn't particularly enjoy. She often rushes through addition and subtraction without thinking about her answers, so goodness knows how she'll do. We have parent teacher interviews the week after next so I'll see what the teacher has to say and if she's still adamant that dd's fine where she is perhaps we'll get some private achievement testing done too. They have her psych test which says she will need extensive differentiation in maths (her NVIQ is 150) but they have obviously chosen not to test that out.

A subject skip takes the pressure off a bit too in terms of advocacy as I suspect (hope?) it would not take so much to organise (could be being naive about that).

Thanks again.

Last edited by Kvmum; 06/15/11 12:51 PM.