Hi, Kvmum! I still remember that you were one of the ones that helped me when I first posted here.

That's a tough situation. The consequences of a failed skip might be pretty severe, in terms of turning your daughter off to the idea of acceleration, and that might happen even if the skip succeeds academically in the short term, due to anger at being removed from her current social group and being given extra pressure on top of it. I, complete newbie, think that the single biggest issue with raising an advanced kid is nurturing their love of learning and challenge, and that it can be a dicey business.

What about home schooling? If feasible, that seems like it could let you give your daughter what she needs academically, over a long enough period for her to get comfortable with performing consistently at a higher level, while decoupling her academic advancement from worries about fitting in with social peers. Then a re-entry to school might be achievable down the road, at an appropriate learning level and whenever she's comfortable with the idea. I know home schooling might be tough to do, but it might solve a lot of frustrations short term.

If you must leave her in school, I think that what I'd be likely to do personally is leave her where she is for a year, and teach/enrich her at home. But that approach would be based in large measure on fear, and not necessarily the best thing for her. The obvious extreme danger is that she'd learn that avoiding challenge, staying comfortable, and keeping her head down are for the best.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick