We put our hg+ twins in the local public elementary kindergarten with the mindset that we could always change schools if it didn't work out. We set aside some savings so we could do a private school at a moment's notice. Fast forward six years and they are entering middle school (6th grade) without switching schools and with no grade skip. And, we have not regrets. Not every teacher has been great, but most have gone above and beyond in accommodating our kids. The kids have flourished socially (a learned skill for dd) and learned quite a bit, academic and otherwise. (For example, ds has learned to cheerfully accept both daily math homework and that he must revise his writing - a huge deal for us.) And although we do not formally afterschool, we have a home environment that is pretty academically stimulating. And this past year, we have also supplemented with a few online courses through NUMATS.

"If it is not broke, don't fix it" has worked well for us, and the savings in private school tuition gives us a great head start on college savings.