Thanks DMA, writing is my DDs biggest issue too and right now that seems to be magically cured by the ADD meds but if a permanent improvement in that area alone could occur through brain exercises, I think she might be able to get by without the meds.

I think we will try out the MindSparke program as it is much cheaper and looks like it does the same thing. I just wonder if she should stop taking the meds while working with this or if it still yeilds beneficial results if you do the program aided by meds. Any thoughts?

Thanks for the link DeeDee, my DD is usually suspicious of anything unproven by science, but in this case she is willing to try it because it means computer time (she negotiated an equal amount of playtime on the PC as a reward for working through the program).

I don't really need something to be scientifically proven to want to try it unless it's an extreme medical procedure or potentially dangerous...Anecdotal support from people not marketing the product coupled with lack of negative reviews is good enough for me in this case.

Mumofthree, I am with you on that - my brother would have spent much of his childhood in a back brace if my mom hadn't been willing to try out chiropractic therapy, everyone thought she was insane back in the 70's, but it worked and he turned out just fine.