Originally Posted by Verona
He has about a B+ average at school, so she thinks that there is not a strong need for medication and that he will start enjoying school more during high school, when he can take more interesting classes.

I get this response a lot and it is frustrating to me. A B+ average is great for an average kid, but when you are dealing with a gifted kid who knows he is smart and is frustrated by the fact that his grades don't reflect his intellect, then I think it is a problem. Also, my understanding of ADHD is that it actually gets worse in high school when the classes become more demanding. Your pediatrician needs to understand that a child with inattentive ADHD is not going to be much better at focusing on an "interesting" class than an uninteresting one. Now, if his inattentiveness is due to is giftedness and boredom in the classroom, she may have a point, but then he would not have ADHD, he would just be a gifted, unchallenged student.