My DS9 just received his diagnosis of ADHD-inattentive type a few weeks ago. We saw the child psych about meds the week before school ended. We ended up deciding to do a trial of a non-stimulant, so our situation is a little bit different. DS is at summer camp until next week, but we will start the meds as soon as he gets back. The non-stimulants can take 6 weeks to work, but our goal is to find a medication that works before school starts again in the fall. Our psych said that the change on medication should be dramatic if it is the right medication, so we should be able to tell a difference at home. I agree with Nik that if DS has some structured activities planned for the summer, it may be easier to tell if the medication is working. I also agree that it will give you a chance to tell if there are bad side effects without it impacting his performance at school.