Hi deacongirl
I just wanted to offer some support, this must be tough, the acting out on top of the surgery, especially when I am sure you were hoping the event would be nice and distracting for everyone.
My DS 5 is very sensitive to change in routine, he very much wants to know how things are going to go, especially when they are going to be different or a parent is not going to be around. DS also loves his g-parents and they babysit, but would have likely worried about having to go back as well. I have a friend with a great adoption of one ds and one dd and they had a great attachment but she says it can crop back up on you when they are worried about something else - sort of like the fear you know, if that makes sense. We found going over the week or the schedule in advance, this is going to happen and then this, yes I know that we usually do this on Mondays but tomorrow we are doing this - seems to help a bit.

My heart breaks about wanting a different face, I always thought these issues - we have cliques in pre-K - came later - I wonder why we don't remember them!
