Your daughter's IQ of 125 IS gifted. She is also only 4, right? That's very young to test her too. Maybe at 5 or 6, and with a different test, on a different day, she would score even higher.
She's on a gymnastics team at 4? Maybe it's too much pressure for a little kid and she is acting out a bit because of that.
I think you just want to continue to be very positive about how she looks physically, how that is just perfect, etc. She has an "Asian face," but that is just what you want, it's just right, etc.
My older boy has worn a hearing aid for 2 years b/c he is deaf in one ear. We've always been very happy/positive about it, how lucky we are that he can hear better with it, etc. It's never been any issue with bullying or his self-image. When he was 6, he drew a self-portrait of himself with the hearing aid in place.