Ohhh... interesting. Don't most educators call a "single skip" radical acceleration to start with??

(Really not understanding that.)

Or as a friend of mine says,humerously: We would never skip a PG child who doesn't want an offered skip after we've twisted their arm 360 degrees and offered them their very own pony!


Yeah, I think that something that is easy to forget is that, sure, you need some level of cooperation from the child... er-- or at least "compliance" if nothing else--

but children being, you know-- children?

They aren't always going to want what is best for them, or be able to see past the emotional landscape of being their chronological age.

Would most parents ask a seventeen-year-old about college plans? Absolutely-- and probably defer to them in most cases.

Is that appropriate PARENTING at age nine? Probably not.


Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.