Hi all,

We have recently moved to CO, and our son is in 3rd grade (public school). We lived in Europe previously and our son skipped 1st grade there. The public school in CO put him back to his normal grade because of his age. I told them that was fine as long as he was assessed and taught at the appropriate level (my silly notion). He wasn't.

Now that he is tucked in nicely with his peer group, but suffering academically, they suggest he skip 4th grade. My son is adamantly opposed. He has moved around too much. I suggested (again) that the school teach above grade level, but apparently they don't. I suggested he take some subjects in the next grade, and they don't block their instruction times.

Any suggestions? Since he was having bouts of extra noise in the class in his boring subjects, I took him to a psychologist (gifted). She suggested skipping 4th because he was under served.

I am caught between a rock and a hard place. Any suggestions are appreciated.