Update: I dug into the "boys are annoying" today, and finally got out of her that it was one particular boy, who had recently been moved next to her in music because he was causing too much trouble in his original seat. "He says disgusting things," said DD. What sort of things? "Too disgusting for me to say." She finally agreed to write down the least disgusting thing.

Apparently this little boy has been saying "donkey b*tt" and "donkey p*n*s" to her. Which, yeah, is pretty disgusting when it's being done by someone you have no ability to move away from.

So I'll be talking to the music teacher on Monday to make sure he's not sitting by her for the rest of the year. And requesting that she not be placed in the same classroom as he is for the coming school year. And I think asking her current teacher to not put in her table group between now and the end of the year. (They have new tablemates every two weeks.)