I may have used "fluent" in the wrong context because it isn't as if there are many Russian-speaking people in this area. But, he does have entire conversations in this language and he can translate it for me. I am not that great at spelling in Russian, but the translations seem to be accurate.

My son is taught at home. I know that the public school system would just fail him in so many ways. He has been "kicked out" of many pre-schools in the past few years because the teachers cannot handle him. He's a good, sweet boy, but he just demands so much stimulation mentally. And he gets excited easily. And he is easily distracted by the smallest of things.

I fear so much the day that I can no longer teach him because he is smarter than me (he already is in a lot of things). Then what do I do? The current school district we're in doesn't even provide classes for high achieving students. My daughter is above-average intelligence, but not gifted, and she makes straight 100s in first grade.

I took offense to the thing about it being a joke because often times people on forums do not believe what I say my son is capable of. I don't know if it is because they are jealous or what (not that I'm saying anyone here is). I just am so used to jumping on the defensive.

I will look at the links everyone suggested and I will get in contact with my son's neurologist at Texas Children's to see if they've ever heard of anything like this.

It's hard to accept his accomplishments sometimes and be happy about them because I worry whether or not he is getting worse, rather than better. I don't want him to have to bear the burden of being extra-special. I just want him to be happy and have normal relationships in childhood.