Originally Posted by nuttybuddy
It isn't a joke.
My family are notorious for creating humor out of almost anything and playing tricks on each other. Nothing like having a mom that hides around corners and tries to scare you or starts a water fight in the house with gallon pales of water. I definitely learned how not to be easily scared, to question everything and not to take life too seriously. Your post sounds so much like something my cousin Danny would try and pull off.

I would be surprised to find someone being spontaneously fluent in a language. However, it is quite common for someone on the spectrum as you put it to learn certain abilities very quickly. It is very easy to interpret these abilities as being more than they are. Some will be able to instantly learn words and phrases from having only heard them once or a few times. Das Vedanya is a fairly commonly used Russian phrase on English movies. So I wouldn't be suprised if a child picked up a number of commonly used Russian phrases from non-Russian movies.

I have dealt with a few AS children and learned you have to be aware of this ability to pickup skills very quickly. One of the big mistakes a person can make is over-interpreting what the child is able to do. This can lead to situations where they are moved to the next level in school without having properly developed an understanding of the current subject matter. Later when they reach a more advanced area of the subject matter, they may end up having difficulty and this can lead to future insecurities. So it is very important to be careful when interpreting a child's skills or they can be falling behind without even realizing it.

Behavior is another area where this can be an issue. Just as with all children, AS children will try different things, including undesirable actions. If they feel rewarded the first time they attempt an undesired action, this ability to learn quickly can lead to them continuing the behavior. It is good to keep a list of undesired behaviors and plan how to deal with the behavior when it first occurs. If caught on the first occurence, an undesired behavior will takes minutes to resolve, but if not, it can a considerable effort to resolve. It would be impossible to catch them all, but the time saved by just catching a few undesired behaviors early can save a lot of time in the future.

I was however hoping this was an attempt at humor. It has all the elements of what I would consider to being done in good taste. The subject matter is reasonably positive, the username would provide a subtle hint it is humor and the idea of a child being instantly fluent in a language not commonly used even as an available language on DVDs in the area where most of the forum members are from could be seen as another subtle hint. Definitely all the elements of a person gifted in creating humor.

I think humor can be very positive, even on a forum where the topics are often fairly serious. There is a fair amount of humor on this forum. When people get too serious about a particular topic, they often get too fixed onto one train of thinking. A bit of humor can take them outside of the box long enough to become open to new ideas.