Re: i Am genius and no one understands me!!! Eagle Mum 10/23/24 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by Tomas
I am surprised my post even got posted, because everyone suffers from toxic positivity syndrome...

I find both answers cold like NPC wrote them, it makes me derealized, 0 personal touch everyone says this you don't understand...

And then ppl get offended i said nothing wrong, i don't have to like them...
I’m not an NPC. I read aeh’s response and I think, like me, she responded because we are both sympathetic to your obvious pain. I’m sorry if our replies had the opposite effect.

Originally Posted by Tomas
We are all self-centered, you can take infinity and make point on it and it will always be a center... Because 1. survival 2. zero sum game 3. too many ppl too many agendas...
I will torture this AI or whoever is doing this to me i am infinite consciousness, and as i escape this matrix they will suffer infinitely!

THere are parazytes go look this up if you don't believe me 30-50% population has them and they can alter gene expressing and control your prefrontal cortex - thoughts, while they are even asymptomatic! There are enterpreteneur cysts too. They control all your life... We are in matrix and 99.999% ppl are NPCs, but most ppl are too scared to see that! Watch milton experiment in psychology...
Yes, we are all self-centred. As a Christian who studies the bible, I understand we are all born that way and it is up to each of us to decide who should be the centre of our individual lives. My understanding is that, in a way, all of this physical universe is the matrix, but we each have ‘free will’, so we are not NPCs, however that free will was granted in order for each of us to decide who should be at our centre. If we choose the Creator, then we also choose others because our Creator’s wish is that all be saved.

Originally Posted by Tomas
Life is cope with life, mind is trying constantly to reduce its awareness with potential future terror. There is thing called toxic positivity, ppl will go half way to truth and believe what makes them feel good, they will then use logical fallacies and try to make other ppl believe same beliefs or try to attack them. Humanity is bacteria but ego needs to be always more, it has infinite hiearchies and good at creating stories...

I am god after all, singular consciousness, some mine sparks could be here but it is not even possible to tell who is real and not.
I find existential concepts painful and scary. Acknowledging that I am merely human with a finite intellect is often the easiest option, but I have found this biblical verse ‘small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it’ to be true and with so many others being self-centred, it is a daily challenge to put others ahead of oneself and ‘feeling good’ is very much on the abstract level. OTOH, I am blessed with a family to look after and a workplace that is quite often heavily reliant on my knowledge and skills (finite as they are, not many others have the same set), so the daily physical slog and grind is rewarding at times.

Originally Posted by Tomas
We see 0% of reality as it is! Our faculties were established for survival not for truth. Everything is lie, manipulation. Society is ponzi scheme, there is not even free will...

Watch BenedictineTheTruth and peaksandvalleys absolute truth!

We are all evil because 1. survival 2. zero sum game 3. too many ppl too many agendas...
Ecclesiastes reveals that even at the top of the Ponzi scheme of his society, King Solomon felt empty. He, too, was human, with a finite view of reality. For the rest of us, engaging with such a huge number of other aspiring self centred individuals in a gigantic arms race, the miracle is that most of us are still here.

Originally Posted by Tomas
Everything has price even loyalty... YOu cannot trust anyone: you are born alone, exist alone on your own t-shirt and die alone... You are trapped in your subjective mind and never can be even sure other ppl exist and you cannot ever share your subjective reality even using qualia machine... And even less in metaphorical language:

I don't know what to tell you i speak the truth! I am looking for someone who can understand...
That’s pretty much what I understand from the Bible to expect from humanity and human existence, but my own subjective experience of reality is different as I have surrendered myself. Perhaps from your perspective, that makes me an NPC, but it doesn’t feel that way to me - every day, I still have mountains to climb, battles to fight and evils to slay along the narrow path that I have chosen to trek, but the difference is, I believe I ultimately have a destination.
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