Re: Help Understanding Scores - WISC-V, NNAT3 w/ADHD
02/22/25 01:17 PM
Responding as a fellow parent of a 2e kid:
Make sure you’re looking at your child and noticing their interests. How those strengths present is individual to the person. Watch how she plays in her free time. Pay attention to activities she chooses.
When you notice the interests, you can support them: finding supplies for projects, setting up a workspace for the interest at home, reserving time to work on interests, when it’s a holiday buying gifts that support interests, taking her to places that explore her interests, seeing what activities or camps support this interest, checking out related library books.
Now if your kid doesn’t seem interested in things… then I would check back to those strengths and look for opportunities in your community to dabble. My kids are visual-spatial oriented, here are some recent opportunities in our community: 4H (big array of projects - sewing, woodworking, welding, rockets, etc), take and make robots at the library, maker space at library where they built whatever they wanted to out of cardboard, orienteering (follow map to goals), geocaching (basically treasure hunting). You can also do things at home: arts & crafts, puzzles, play doh/clay, Lego or other building toys. And as family activities: go to park or zoo and have her lead with the map, build from sand at beach or sandbox, visit a museum.
Sometimes your kid might be interested in something but be deterred by a weaker skill. If you can accommodate, scaffold or support the skill it allows them to access that interest. My son struggles with writing… when he was preschool/kg aged he was interested in doing challenging, advanced math, but didn’t have functional handwriting. We would do math with objects, mental math, count money, write numbers on circle stickers or use moveable wooden craft numbers in replacement of writing. And we worked on mastering number writing formation before letters, working at his pace with lots of repetition. He also loves to talk and read and can think up long elaborate stories, but his writing skills deter him from writing the stories down. I offer to scribe or type his stories, he also knows how to use voice to text. He continues to work at his writing skills and they improve, but at his pace.
Follow your kid’s lead! I wish you the best!