Originally Posted by landofthelost
As far as any kind of acceleration we have talked it till we are blue in the face with them. If we want to go further with it we have to go before the board(which after this meeting may be what we do), but they will not approve it themselves. This is their method and that is that.

Does your state's RTI document or other gifted policy statements contain criteria for subject or grade acceleration? I find that if I use the bureaucracy's own words to support what I want, it is harder for them to dismiss me out of hand.
Originally Posted by landofthelost
I want them to prove that differentiation just isn't a buzz word they throw out there to placate parents. They better have the substance to back it up.

The problem that we have found is that people throw around the word "differentiation" as if there is some standardized format for taking kids beyond the standard curriculum. It is heavily teacher dependent. Some teachers do it naturally, with no training. Others can have all the training in the world but just do not possess the mental flexibility to make it work consistently. I would try to talk to other parents about their experiences with the teachers proposed for next year. See if you can find out if one of the two has that natural gift to meet kids at their level. Then, try to lobby for placement with that teacher.

Also, I think that you already know this but don't forget to put everything in writing. If they state something will happen, get a name and a date attached to the action item. Review your list with them before the close of the meeting. Circulate an email/letter after the meeting listing each team member's responsibilities. Next year, document your efforts to confirm that these commitments were met. Last, don't forget to thank everyone for their efforts to provide your child with a meaningful educational experience (even if you have to do it through gritted teeth).