Oh yes ... get in the box. Wonder why we have such problems with our educational system? Perhaps because we have sold our children short with comments like that!

And I hope your comment about finding 18 new ways to get out of the box is true but lots of gifted children won't. I know my DD is the type that will sit quietly in that box and wait until someone opens it up for her and this is why we can never allow her to get into that box. We witnessed it first hand when we signed her up for a social preschool and is why we pulled her and went the academic route. She has to be challenged or she wilts. Even in her academic school where they are 2 years ahead of public she is still more advanced than the curriculum but she will patiently sit there and wait until the teacher offers up the curriculum and fly through it with no problems because she already knew it by age 2. We are doing everything in our power to ensure she doesn't sit in a box.