right? i think she thinks the box is ONE box that represents following lock step the path that all peers around you are following at any given time. because otherwise i would agree with what you say...if there are many boxes, then he just needs to find his place in another box. she talks like there is ONE box, or one right way, and gifted kids need to adjust to all of the other students in the class, rather than being allowed to...oh, i don't know....follow their IEP. i have asked before about him going to other grades for certain classes, and i have been told that he needs to learn to be with his grade level peers. i just want to shout WHY WHY WHY???? i have been told that he needs to learn to sit and do worksheets that are redundant because that is "real life", and that he wasn't allowed to have enrichment on the computer because "the other kids can't" (as in they don't know how to do the things DS knows how to do) and it might make them feel bad.

Originally Posted by DeHe
I second your AAAAAHHHH, momma2many!

But I have to say the analogy just makes no sense to me - obviously - but also in terms of what they were saying. Is there just one box? Is there a box for each grade level? Is there a separate box for SN and LDs? do we all have to wear the same shoe size too? Why can't DS go to the grade 4 box?

But seriously, if this is what they told you, considering he is is gifted with an IEP, how long do they think it will take him to learn how to sit at a desk. He could practice that, in a box, with the age mates, and then go learn in the right box??

And this was the director!!!!

The more i type the more annoyed I get so I can't imagine how irritated you are!!!
