Originally Posted by Nik
This teacher also claimed that because my DD had not turned in any homework, she really didn't know if my DD understood the material and had concerns that my DD might not.

Ack! I just had a flashback to 10th grade math!

The teacher didn't seem to me to put that much emphasis on the homework because it wasn't checked daily or graded, you were just supposed to put it in a folder and then you got credit for turning it in. So I didn't see much reason to do it. Toward the end of the semester she called me aside and told me that she noticed I hadn't turned in any of the assignments and that I needed to complete them or it would count against my grade. You'd think logic would work on the math teacher, but for some reason the fact that I had 99% on the tests without doing one of the hundreds of problems she'd assigned didn't show that I had mastery of the material, instead it just really irritated her. I remember at some point asking if I could move into a higher math class (which is weird in retrospect because I don't like math) and she told me that she couldn't do that for someone who didn't do the homework.

These must be techniques that they learn in "How to teach 10th Grade"