Originally Posted by DeHe
I hope things are better and this hasn't stuck too much with your dd - I hope the only lesson learned is that you back away slowly and calmly from rabid animals (particularly when spitting!)

LOL, I was surprised at my own restraint for letting that woman live.

Actually, this whole experience really turned my DD's life around for the better because it finally opened my eyes to just how bad things were for her at school. For way too long I just assumed she was just a bit bored and lazy but getting by without complaint.

Originally Posted by Grinity
The teacher made it clear that she felt the other children were being harmed in some way by seeing that your DD didn't have to work to handle the material much better than they do. Perhaps she is right, and this is just one more reason that kids who need to work at a 'higher than age predicted' level need to be placed in classrooms where kids who are at the same 'ready to learn' level are already sitting. My guess is that you would have had to actually change buildings to find these kids - and that that is exactly what you did.


All's well that ends well though: DD is heading to her dream college this fall with a renewed self confidence and enthusiasm for learning.