they seriously said to me that all kids belong "in the box" and that gifted kids need to learn to fit in the box in order to function in society. and since school is a "system" gifted kids needed to learn to function in the system. am i wrong for thinking that a gifted kid, admitted to school a year early, with an IEP, who requires gifted services, compacted presentation of new material, who is reading 4 years above grade level and doing math 3 years above grade level does not need to "get in the box?" i am angry they would even suggest he needs to "learn" to sit in a desk and draw t's when he is capable of writing entire paragraphs with proper spelling and punctuation. go tell the inventors and brilliant scientists of the world to stop coming up with new ideas and get back in the box where they belong. GRRRRR....

btw.....i think if you manage to get a gifted kid "in the box", they will just come up with 18 new ways to get out of a box.