Originally Posted by jesse
I've decided that not everyone we meet can/will be able to meet our need to share about our children. That's just the way it is. Only some rare souls out there who aren't threatened or have some internal need for justification or superiority. I look forward to meeting these people. smile

I really agree - though I am lucky, as I mentioned. I have one good friend with her own (unidentified, despite my best efforts!) hg+ kids who gets my girl and the pros and cons that go with being the parent of such a kid. The rest who have been friendly have kindly humoured me, but don't really get it (not through any fault of their own, it's just a life that they don't have any experience of).

La Texian, I so get where you're coming from. I will never forget telling my mum I though dd was gifted and she dismissed me out of hand and, as you say, would insist that dd had picked up her ideas from somewhere else. As you mentioned, evidently my own 24/7 observations counted for nothing. My HG+ dad wasn't much better. He has come around to it, but still 'tests' dd. More recently dd's abilities have become much more obvious and he's had to concede she's out there. Mum moved a little way towards acceptance when she saw the test results, but basically told me dd had no chance of a happy life. Nice! Perhaps that's why I'm looking for acceptance where I can get it, lol smile

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke