I said the wrong thing to a mum today, who painted me in to a corner about where dd is at (I gave an honest, if not complete answer). It was the mum of one off dd's new school friends and I expect it will result in some awkwardness for a while, given her response. It was silly and I know better, but what I said (which was a bumbled kind of half answer) and her response left me feeling really frustrated. Sometimes I just get really over having to play games of charades with people about dd. I just want to be able to talk about my kid like everyone else gets too. I know there are places like this forum where I (very thankfully) can. I know it is simply a reality of our circumstance (and I am lucky enough to have a couple of friends I can speak to dd about), but it would just be nice to be able to participate in the playground banter and not have dd held up to a measuring stick all the time.

Anyway... sigh... just having a moment.

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke