My in-laws ran into the K teacher that taught their children... geez... 30 years ago now. They were talking with her and happened to tell her about my DD5 to seek her opinion (can DD5 reading at a 3rd grade level successfully be in K?). The K teacher said she once had a child who read at a 5th grade level and it was challenging to have him in class.

This led me to ask the question, how common is it for a 5-year-old to read grade-levels ahead?? DD5 just turned 5 in January, and with her rapid acceleration, I could see her reading at a 4th or 5th grade level by the time K starts this fall. The K teacher had been teaching A LONG time and only had one child that was gifted like that (and this is in a district with a lot of highly-educated professionals).

How common is this??? Is DD5 possibly EG or PG????

I know this could not be definitively answered without IQ testing, but what your experiences with this???