The issue with the story retell is that he summarizes too much, which the teacher says is a 2nd grade skill. We need to get him to tell us all of the details, page by page. We have tried practicing with him and he is does not want to do it at all. It is very conflicted in our house about it. I have hired the reading specialist at another school to try to help him gain this skill.

His achievement was above grade level in kindergarten and we are just watching him not progress this year like he should be. Yes, he definintely could be trying to blend in.

The psychologist truly believes that he is GT material and said she would be shocked if he did not get into the fulltime program at 3rd grade with his scores. That anyone who knows how to read scores would know that he is GT. She said she would help us fight it on appeal. The problem is that we live in a good school district/high performing school. Our school sees lots of smart kids. It is the ones that are motivated too that they seem to provide the additional services to. Also he was pulled for a GT pullout in the beginning of the year, before we had any scores. The GT teacher showed up at a conference with me and proceeded to tell me that my son wss not GT because he took longer with the puszzles that they were doing and needed more help than the rest of the class. Psychologist says he is just slower because he has a lower processing speed because he is taking everything in.

I am really just struggling with what is right for my son. We have a 2 day visit scheduled for the private school this week. I guess we will send him and it will help us decide after that.