I've been busy. Everybody been sick. We had to go to town anyway. Haven't slept because the babies are sick. I try to make a habit to stop and look at ds3 when he wants to show me something. He doesn't let me fake it either. Like he showed me a heart on the bottom of the teddy bears foot. Mom do you see this? "Oh that's a nice heart". Do you see this one? He asks, of the other foot. And I'm busy. "yes" without looking closely at the other foot. "mom. Do you see this one.". "yes.". I kept looking up, but it was couple times before I look closely to see there's no heart on the other foot. Stinker!

Anyway he came up with something the other day that I thought was great, according to the conversation I read on here about parents teaching kids to "look me in the eye". Well my son told his Mamma, "I need to see your face when I tell you something". While he was trying to tell me something. kinda backwards of the parents teaching the kids not to be rude.

Anyone who read my dilemma about the doll and the Teddy bear here's the update. We saw the HUGEST teddy bear in the grocery store. He hugged it and made it hug him back, yes, it's that big. I told him to carry it. We went to the toy section and looked at the dolls. I said well, you know I said I was going to get you a doll. Your dad said dolls are for just girls, Teddy Bears are for boys and girls. I'll get you this Teddy bear instead of that doll I promised. We'll look at the dolls for your sister. We looked and decided since we truly couldn't agree on a doll we'd let the sister get old enough to pick her own dolls out. Ds wanted a cool mechanical doll for baby dd, I wanted a simple doll as a keepsake when she's older. All plastic, no fabric. Because apparently fabric gets thin and rips after 20 years.

The important thing was to get him to stop interrupting me from feeding the baby. I did that by telling him. "the baby wants me to lay still while she nurses and she wants me to stop talking. Don't make me move, or don't make me talk. I'm going to stop talking now". It seems to be working.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar