Originally Posted by foltzy
(The teacher usually writes these for her because they don't have any questions for the book she's reading)....but in school they are making her read Junie B. Jones and then ask her questions such as What is one important thing that happened in Chapter 1? What's the Characters Name? I can see it when I watch her. She hates it. It's time for Parent/Teacher meetings in a week or two and my husband and I decided that we were going to talk to her teacher and pull her gifted teacher in because there has to be something better. When she's with the gifted teacher they do much harder math stuff and much harder reading questions.
Parent/Teacher meeting aren't the best place for this sort of discussion. 15 minutes per family. Many, many families.

If the teacher is writing the question for your daughter individually, then why can't she write questions like 'please copy edit.'

Call the school NOW and let them know your DD is suffering and hates to do homework and request a meeting with teacher and GC to explore this in depth - you'll need at least an hour. It isn't normal to hate homework in 1st grade.

Best Wishes,

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