Yeah Katelyn Sr., did your hubby get a paperbag and a trampoline for you to hyperventilate and faint into?
It takes a hotspot for the wifi for the iphone4 webcam. We might get another laptop and one of those Internet cards. We got a calendar on new years and had the boy mark an x on it everyday last week. Yesterday we put the calendar on the kitchen table and drew large numbers 1-7 in the boxes from today to next Wednesday. The hubby told the boy "I'll be leaving tomorrow, I'll be back in 7 days". The boy said, "because you're going to work and I can call you on the phone". It's just a minor adjustment. It appears he understands. Last night he was clingy and today the hubby left for work.

In other news sugar is usually rationed around here and I left a bag of chocolate mini's on the kitchen counter. By the time I noticed the boy had a chocolate goatee and was running back and forth in the hallway. I told him to go to the bathroom and wash his face. Nothing else you can do by that point, it's already done. Took literally three hours for him to stop.

And the baby last night. Well I was trying to google savassana while she was nursing because someone here wanted a recomendation for meditation for her son. (I didn't like the narrators voices available on YouTube under savassana, so I never posted it.). The baby started singing along with the Hindu music on some yoga I was watching. I think it's cute that she sings so I put on some big voices, I turned on YouTube Dolly Parton, Olivia newton Jon, Whitney Houston that phantom of the opera girl, etc. It backfired. The baby sings loud. I tried to stop so she wouldn't wake everybody and she would cry until I turned it back on. Oh no! Cute, but spoiled. Yep. It's a girl

On the language side I can get directions, order a taco, and ask for the clearance price without using English but I don't really feel my Spanish is adequate enough to want a conversation with it. I use it with strangers some because it's expected down here, but never with my friends and neighbors because it sounds like I'm talking to a toddler con la lingua. But with the hubby gone I make little videos to text him. The boy just showed a good friend of ours a video clip of my Dixie Spanish before I realized what he was doing with my phone. !Que embarresada! (just kidding, that means pregnant). Anyway she watched it at least 3x with a goofy grin before she gave it back. My stepmom says with my kids learning Spanglish from birth I'll have my monolingual tendancies cured for me.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar