Learning about my DD8's 'giftedness' has been an eye opening experience for me, as well. I had no concept what gifted meant or what it was. Where we live, there are no gifted programs and no one was singled out in school or advanced or separated (at least to my knowledge). My parents say that I learned things at appropriate times but I picked things up much faster than other children. I had staight A's without doing any work. But I don't ever remember being bored in school, so who knows what that says? Maybe I was/am MG? I do have vivid memories of feeling different. And I know that I just see and feel things differently than others. I still love to learn and after 12 years of university and three degrees I have finally tired my brain out enough to want a rest.

It wasn't until we found out about DD that I began to wonder about myself. Knowing would not have changed anything, but it would have explained why I felt different. DD is so articulate and excels at putting her feelings into words. I can understand her feelings 100%. Funny, but it is like I have finally found my 'kindred spirit'. She is the first person that I feel understands how I see things and why little things bother me so deeply. Things that I gave up talking about years ago. On her side, I think she appreciates having a mother who 'gets' her (those are her words). If nothing else, that is worth everything to me. I hope I can be there for her and offer the right kind of support. I can't even begin to compare what I was to what she is but I hope that having a good support will help make her navigation through this world just a little bit easier.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery