Ellipses, i was born in '78. That personal info you wrote is why this Board just says gifted issues. The whole family has issues �^� .That's a smiley face standing on it's head. I was browsing Amazon reviews about Ram Dass book Remember Be Here Now. Someone complained rightfully that the readership was old hippys. I know many; they are in their 70's now. His original book, Be Here Now was for them in their thirty's. That was great and right on for that group at that age. The complaint was that Remember Be Here Now was just a rememberance of things learned in Be Here Now and the poster was hoping for an evolution from such an insightful man to help put perspective on the 70 year old's stage of life. So, ellipses, you be many of our next evolution. Stick with us and let us talk you through this because it will help us when it's our turn. Thanks for sharing. And HelloBaby, thanks for asking.
Ellipses, I forgot by now if you participated in the flylady forum. But it's not the time to turn back time. Maybe you can expand your potential from here. Flylady will help you make before bed and wake up habits. I haven't looked into situational awareness because I'm working on family self discipline habits, my kid's are young. Maybe situational awareness training can help you divide your focus between multiple situations simultaneously which will multiply your working memory capacity. And don't give up. A 15 yr old boy won the young scholars award for successfully turning skin cells into stem cells in mice. I could be wrong about who won and what the award was, but the story about what happened is right. They might be able to grow you a new heart with your very own individual DNA here within your lifetime. Hold on a minute. That was insensitive of me to point out. I don't do well offering comforting words but I'm just good at offering friendship during your time of need. I might not be what you want, but I'll be here to talk if you want to. It's too late to eat right and exercise. Not that you didn't. I can't believe my friends still want to talk to me when they have illness and injury and heartache because this is really how I talk, but they do. (scratches head). I'm not good at it, but I guess it's just because I'm willing to try/i guess. At least there's many conversations. Links. And book recommendations here to keep the ol' brain fired up in our spare time.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar