Well, I'm not altogether happy with how the meeting went, but it could have been worse. The plans to build the planes was scratched due to the cost of the planes.

Turns out GS8 wanted out of the class last week mainly due to the teacher being out and a sub in her place. They did worksheets that were just busywork. He is happy again this week with the class. They are working with different bases in math.

GS8 is testing who is the boss in the class, that's the root of the behavior issues. I let the teacher know that is who he is. I also let her know that GS knows I will listen to him, but I also support the teacher's authority. This approach has worked in the past to get cooperation from GS, and support from the teacher.

The other boy in the class is apparently 2E. The teacher has to read the questions to him, and write his answers. When GS told me the teacher helped the other boy, his opinion was the teacher worked with him but didn't help anyone else in the class. The teacher saw it as GS liking to be the center of attention, and being offended the other child got so much attention. I see it as an opportunity to teach GS that we all have different needs.

The part that didn't go as well as I would have liked was when I was feeling around to see if the teacher had a feeling for GS LOG. She really doesn't know him well enough, and he hasn't been pushed enough to get an idea of his abilities in the gifted class. She was enthusiastic about the math program in the regular classroom because it taught ideas and didn't dwell on rote memorization. She also thought the program was great the way it reviewed past lessons. When I expressed concern that GS8 can already do what he will be taught next year, it seemed to fly right over her head. She just repeated how great the program was about reviewing. So, I just repeated a bit more emphatically, "but he already knows it and I'm worried he's going to start getting disruptive(more than he already can be!)". She did say if GS gets bored to let them know and they'd see what could be done.

Another thing, the teacher made several comments about '4th grade', and I had to remind her GS was only in 3rd grade. I'm not sure what to think about that, maybe she just had a long day.

I've got a meeting with GS's regular teacher on Thursday. I think I'll get better feedback about GS's abilities from her.