I think it's other parents at my son's preschool that are making me anxious. One parent is upset that my son is in her child's class (b/c he is younger than the other children). DS's current teacher has told me that other parents have asked her when their children will be speaking like my son. I guess I need to learn to develop thicker skin.

The school director doesn't like to transition children before their birthday triggers the move. I think the only reason she let the transition happen early is b/c DS's teacher was persistent. She was concerned that my son was getting increasingly frustrated/angry.

I've read posts of parents who wished they had tested earlier. I wondered how early was "earlier," and how this would have made elementary advocacy easier (i.e. acceleration or grade skips).

This is my first and only child. I'm not exposed to children my son's age for any meaningful period of time. He has 2 "friends" that are 4 y/o that live near us. I've watched him play with them, but that's my only means of comparison. I was a GT kid in school. I think my son is much smarter than I am, but that may be a mix of my own self-doubt and motherly exhuberance. All I know is that DS2 is f-u-n: funny, chatty, bossy and fiercely independent. He makes me happy.