Update: Met with the District Super and it went well. She has agreed to the subject skip to 6th grade MS math. She also called our rep at Davidson and spoke with her, I believe it was helpful. She has also just completed the book the Outliers, this also added to her process. She spoke directly with DS8 to make sure he was ok with everything, and let him know that if he wants to go back to ES and independent study he can. She also gave him her card if he ran into issues. She indicated that along each step of the way the ES, MS and district personal where correct in what they suggested. However she believes that any parent & student willing to keep pursuing this option should be given the chance.

Now the hard part, if this sticks it will mean that twice a day for the next two years I will pick him up at school drive him the 2 blocks to Middle School and then pick him up an hour later and return him. After that who knows. The odd part is not that the math will be too hard; I still think it may be too easy. But the work product, the writing will be more then DS is used to. So will just see how it goes. Thank you to everyone for your support, encouragement and advice. One other bit of good news DS8 was elected school treasurer.