Funny, that was one of the issues that kept coming up with DS8's move up to 5th grade math - everyone kept saying "but what about when he is in 4th grade, you want him to go to the Jr. High?" And I luckily had the out where I said "lets worry about that in the future, for now, it is the same building and we all agree 5th grade is a good spot from his skills right now." I actually wouldn't mind a year where DS does Aleks on his own with some instruction on the side, I think he would get much further along then he will in some "general 6th or 7th grade pre-algebra lets review how to multiply fractions and decimals a zillion times" class.

I think it was good that the 2 year jump looked "just right" because if it had been 3 years, that would have made things much more complicated since he would have to go to the Jr. High, which would mean dealing with multiple supervisors and principals. At the end of 5th grade, they take a placement test for which math they go into in Jr. High, and I think they will just have to put him where he tests into, hard for them to argue against their own test. I will see, because if he scores well, they have to put him into 7th grade math, which is another grade skip, and I would guess that will create even more concern (a 4th grader in 7th grade math -eeekk). Really, I just think the adults involved have no understanding of how kids function in this sort of situation - the big kids aren't threatened by a little kid with a big brain, it isn't cool to pick on a little kid, and they end up playing big brother/sister to them. Maybe there are some stories of teasing, bullying, but I think they are far outweighed by success stories.

Edwin, yes, just wait until Tuesday. The more measured you can be in your response, the less they will think you are one of "those parents" and it will help in the long run.