On the bully issue, the MS principal and I may never agree. He is a good man, and is fair, he just has a zero tolarance for any violence. I am sure if my son defended himself, he would not be expelled. Most of my issues were whne our oldest went thier 4 years ago. Our youngest is not thier yet. The road bloack has not just been the MS principal view on social problems for an 8 year old in a class with 11 year olds. It is a district view. They do have a policy for acceleration, but it is vague, and subjective. I belive the strongest oponant besides the MS principal is the Ditrict person in charge of Elementary education. We contacted this person when DS was 5 about a grade skip for K. She was against it because she was grade skipped and had a bad experance. The only resaon we recived the current grade skip was a change of the prinicapal at the current ES. The prinicpal has lots of leway on this within thier school. She agreed last year to it and has been helpful, although she also has concerns about DS going to the MS. I am hopeful my meeting with the District Superentendent will go well. I have also e-mailed one of the board members on the larger question of district policy. Our district must have seen this before, thier are over 22k in this district. I will also check out other district policy and see what they do, as well as invlove the Davidson counslor.