Well not so good at the district level, today they responded to us. We met with Elementary School, Middle School and High School. They forwarded our request to the person in charge of Elementary School instruction, and the assistant to the school superintendent. Their response was that 6th grade Middle School would be detrimental socially for an 8 year old and even possibly not safe. They will allow his 5th grade math teacher to give him independent study for 5th and 6th if needed, and provide the materials needed for that. I think I liked it better with him learning online, unfortunately he really wants to interact with other students, and not be off on a computer, or with a book by himself. So now what? I have asked to meet with the District Superintendent. I have sent the previous group a lot of information (Via web-links) about this topic. I do not believe they looked at it. Hopefully the Superintendent will be more hopeful. I have also contacted one of the school board members to see if the overall topic of how the district deals with this topic can be addressed, being that they seem to have no detailed plan. I pointed out that perhaps there is a disconnect between their feelings and anecdotal evidence, and what the actual data says. I haven�t started burning bridges, but I am still moving politely, and non-confrontationally forward.

Last edited by Edwin; 10/14/10 02:53 PM.