Originally Posted by DeHe
you are so right about how our parents and experiences as a child influence us today. I especially notice that in terms of wanting to zme sure his school setting is appropriate. I was SOOOOOO bored!
*Exactly*, yes, me too. I know that there are other bad outcomes (bullying following acceleration in an environment unfriendly to it, for example) which objectively must be at least as bad, but they have much less salience to me. I still feel the panic rising in me when I even think about that boredom and isolation (and have PTSD in boring half-day training courses!) Elsewhere on the net I have a friend whose situation is not very different from mine with DS, but who is handling it altogether differently - her bad experiences as a child were very different from mine, and the things we instinctually want to avoid at all costs for our children are almsot opposite. It's very thought-provoking: I'm trying to approach decisions for DS rationally, but the emotions attached to the bad outcomes I actually experienced do make it hard not to over-weight those particular ones.

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