Little'un (nearing 11 years old now) has calmed down a lot, but we still have the occasional 20 minute non-stop chat about something he obviously knows loads about and just has to get off his chest. Eventually we just say to him "hey mate, you've gone into one again" and he realises and quietens down (generally). Still, he comes up with some interesting stuff.

As for the role playing, until he was about 6 or 7 he used to get me to sit on the carpet with him with his action toys (Thunderbirds models) and get me to act out whole stories . I found this mind numbing (especially at 5 a.m. - but that's another issue) almost to the point of screaming - perhaps I should've been harder - but i held it together. He does have a fantastic imagination.

SO I guess I'm saying it is hard, very hard, and maybe you have to be strict but enjoy the fact that your little'un has a great imagination and capacity for play. Yes, be stricter, that's what I should have been/done

Oh - did I mention Omega 3 fish oils which helped calm him down enough so he could attend nursery and actually sit down and concentrate a little - a miracle at the time (he was 3)

Last edited by Raddy; 09/15/10 01:33 AM.