For my suggestion how about Cam Jansen? They have a young Cam series and an older chapter book series. If you got him interested in the younger series he might move more easily to the older series??

I will comment on the visual problems Dottie mentioned. I have told this before so for those of you who are yawning, just skip this paragraph. My DS appeared to be very gifted from a very young age but when he got to school it just didn't play out like I thought it would. He didn't like to read at all until 2nd grade and then when he did read (Goosebumps was THE favorite) he would skip words and reverse words (saw for was, etc) and be reading on one line and then go down to the next in the middle of the line. He also has problems with handwriting and was writing up in the air or below the line and reversed letters. Well after having teacher after teacher tell me it was developmental and he would grow out of it we discovered that it was really a visual perception/tracking problem. I won't go into the whole story here but if you want to know you can pm me. Anyway, he is in therapy now and is showing much improvement. So if this sounds like something that could be going on, it could be worth investigating. I wish I had figured all this out earlier and saved many, many hours of frustration for him and me.