DS did great on the new med dosage! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow will be another good day. He even went to piano and counseling after school. We didn't get home until 6:30. He ate dinner, and then did his homework at 7:15. He finished his homework in less than a half hour and didn't complain once.

He had to write sentences with his spelling words. Usually, he tries to think of the shortest sentences he can so he doesn't have to write so much. Tonight, he was adding to the sentences to make them more interesting and working at a very good pace. After homework, he went to bed, we read a few pages of Harry Potter, and he was off to sleep. Not one meltdown all day!

He absolutely loved his after-school piano lesson and was focused the whole time. The counseling session went well. It was our first one, and I think we accomplished a decent amount in just one session. It's definitely a work in progress, but it's a good feeling to have such a positive day.

I was concerned that the increased dosage of his stimulant would exacerbate the anxiety or make him emotional. That didn't happen at all. And, I am very relieved that it didn't affect his personality. He was calmer but still had a good bit of energy, was not lethargic or tired, and was his normal happy self.

Our family, including ds, needed a really positive day, and we are very grateful. I might even sleep tonight. ; )