My 2e son is gifted with ADHD. He has several emotional outbursts (frustration with self, anger at a classmate) per day at school. I thought this would get better over time, and it has. However, it's still occurring with regularity and is disrupting the classroom. This is a Montessori classroom where all is peace, love, and butterflies for most. My son is not reprimanded for these outbursts; his teacher very lovingly helps him through it or gives him space to handle it on his own. Most of the time the meltdowns are related to not being able to finish his work quickly enough (self-imposed standards) or a child has said or done something to which he takes offense ("you're being mean," "you are lying," or "that's not fair" are common statements). Perfectionism is a big problem.

My son is taking a low dose stimulant medication for the ADHD, and it has helped his focus. He could probably stand to increase his dose a little, but he seems to become more emotional when we do so. Anyway, I thought that since the medication is helping with the attention, focus, and impulsivity, it would help with the emotional outbursts as well. While the frequency and intensity of the emotional meltdowns have improved, we're still seeing them on a regular basis. The teacher is concerned and has called a meeting with the guidance counselor, who is very good. The teacher doesn't know what to do, and either do I!

I have been associating the emotional stuff with ADHD. Maybe it's related more to the emotional supersensitivity often seen with gifted children. If this is the case, do you just live with it? Do you accept it as part of your child, or do you try to help stop it? I am at a loss, and I'm so concerned that my son is alienating himself from other children. He is starting cognitive-behavioral therapy this week, and we go back to his doctor tomorrow. I'm concerned that she is going to want to add an SSRI (antidepressant) to his current stimulant med. It was scary enough starting the stimulant; I can't imagine adding another medication. Any experience with this?

Thanks for any advice you can offer. I really appreciate it.