I concur that while it is important to question and be vigilant about medication, it is also critical to get the help the child needs. Anxiety and other issues can be debilitating. If medication is the solution or part of the solution, I'd urge you to keep an open mind just as you did with the stimulants. It sounds like DeeDee has some good experience to share. It is always reassuring to know you are not alone.

While you are looking at the medical side of things, I also urge you to look at the learning side. It can be VERY frustrating for bright kids to deal with LD's. Often they are able to compensate and hide LD's, but it comes at a emotional cost. He is only 7 and maybe what you are seeing stems from or is secondary to some challenges in learning. I would seek a full neuropsychological evaluation to help understand his learning profile better. Best case, you don't find any irregularities. Worst case, you identify some areas of challenge are in a better position to address them.