It is frustrating. I would try to start at the beginning. Who are going to be the decisionmakers in your case. Ask them (in writing and if you think it will be an issue, in a formal letter) to provide you with copies of the policies they will follow as they make decisions re: your son. You are right that a moving target will make it very difficult. Just identifying the decisionmakers can be a huge task, but also make a huge difference. Don't wait too long to go up the chain of command - I very much regret waiting 2-3 weeks for an answer. That is unreasonable and answers should come faster. If not, go up the chain.

Once you have identified the policies you will need to learn them well.

And well, then the fun begins. If you are getting some cooperation, then some of the following may not apply - but if not, my suggestions are:

do everything in writing and mail the letter, keep a copy and if necessary send it return receipt or certified or something like that (it signals that you are serious). Include dates by which you expect a response. Don't make threats. Keep a record of every call, email, meeting, contact, letter, etc.

if you find someone sympathetic, use them. Sometimes that is all it takes.

Good luck, Cat