You hit the nail on the head! Like with the poster a week or so ago about changing the birthday to get into a program, values are so key. I find myself wanting to "fudge" a requirement to get DS something I know will benefit him but I feel somewhat smarmy about it so which is more important my being a good person or him getting this benefit as if he doesn't get it I will have ruined him forever at 4.5!!!! This also reminds me of the SAH vs WM discussions, I have been very fortunate in that I straddle both worlds and as such have come to terms with the gulit over either working or staying at home - personally I find that its all about embracing it - and embracing it from your point of view not the herd! And when huge guilt comes it's because of not being true to the choice I wanted!

10 apples - my 2c, think about what you want for her to do, I posted on the preschool thread about my mixed feelings about school, it's not perfect and I am not sure it is getting him ahead in the academic sense, but socially it's worth it. And that works for me, that's what we needed and wanted, but even so, I worried. Sometimes, I think worry is the actual definition of mom - but I think worry is okay - it's the guilt, the judgement that is killer and undeserving - that is usually someone else talking - which is what gets you back to the values thinking!!!

