Ok...I am feeling a bit jealous of all the little ones on this board who seem to have these great parents advocating for them. I am specifically talking about the little ones. The toddlers. The toddlers who are already in school and excelling. They are being recognized and accelerated.

I was not even sure I wanted my soon to be 2 year old in school yet, but I did look casually. I could not even find anything that would have been appropriate for her. Most don't accept the under 2s. Most have huge waiting lists. Most are uber expensive and far away (when considering traffic.) The 2 places that would work were really nothing more than daycare. Is there some underground gifted toddler preschool list I don't know about. I feel so inadequate. I feel like I am going to let DD down.

But, truly, I am happy to have her home with me. On one hand, DD is potty trained, doesn't need a nap anymore, loves to socialize, has a massive attention span, and is well behaved. But, she is still only 1! I just know she will cry when I leave her. I do not want to traumatize her. I want to keep her all happy and protected all the time.

I am a stay at home mom for crying out loud. This is my job. Why should I feel so guilty for not putting her in school yet?

One, I think it is because I worry that she is missing out on an oppourtunity to get ahead. Silly?

And two, I feel like it would be nice to both have her be recognized officialy and get some help. Petty?

Does anyone else feel/felt this way? I don't know where I should be heading my efforts. If I should be looking for that magical school or just concentrate on making a happy home for my toddler.

In that same vein, I don't know if I should be holding DD back from learning how to read or pushing her forward. Seriously, half of me wants to work on it all day, and the other half of me wants to hide all books till kindergarten.

As it is now, we are just following DD's lead, and to be honest, she seems to have no interest to read unless we prompt her.

Background/Update: DD knew her letters at around 15 months and has recently learned their sounds. I let her play a game on starfall that was reccomended, and it seems filling in the first letter of a word is a breeze for her. She is speaking in clear super complex long sentences and rarely makes any grammatical mistakes.