I am going on 20 years as a stay at home mom (although I now run my own company from home), and none of my kids entered the school system until Kindergarten. Every parent is different, and I make no claim that the way I chose to do it was best for all children, but I certainly think it was best for my family.
We met friends at the zoo, took walks to the park, baked in the kitchen, made messes in the living room, built forts in the bedroom, and did a whole lot of nothing. The highlights of the week were usually major field trips to buy groceries and to visit Daddy at work for lunch.

They were blissful years with a few days where I thought I'd go insane, but it passed - or I've crossed over to the dark side without noticing. But life without the rigorous schedule was perfect for bonding, allowing my children to discover their own learning style with no pressure, and learn how to play without organized activities or close supervision.

I have no regrets.